Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Tunesday Tuesday - Lykke Li

Tunesday Tuesday - Lykke Li
I have been listening to Lykke Li since her first album "Youth Novels." I first read about her in Nylon magazine (my favorite magazine) and I was hooked. Lykke Li is from Sweden and plays dancey sugar-coated pop. I love listening to her album to get myself motivated! So I put on her albums when I want to hear something inspirational and get me going creatively. My favorite song of hers that will get you groovin' is "I'm Good, I'm Gone." Now let's take a listen to some music...


Ernessa T. Carter said...

Two things:

1. I love Lykke Li, too and have been with her from the beginning. Nobody else captures being shy like she does.


2. I usually read your blog on my reader, so I didn't see that you had changed the header to include your growing family until just now. How absolutely adorable!

Missy said...

Hi Ernessa! Yes, I knew you were a fan of Lykke Li, too! I thought of you when I wrote that post!