Friday, March 12, 2010

Spring is almost here.

Our back yard flowers., originally uploaded by sugar-cookie.

There are a few signs around town that make it feel like spring is on the way. Though I am sad to see winter come to a close, I am happy to look out our window and see little crocus flowers blooming in the back yard. This is the most we have had blooming!

Purple crocus.

Crocus blooming in our backyard.
My plan is to have the back yard a theme of purple flowers and various shades. My mom gave me a bunch of crocus bulbs and they are coming up purple, white, and a mixture of both! I am okay having the white in with the purple theme, though.

Can you see the tiny spider on the edge of the one petal? I can!

Our backyard is ready for spring!
My other theme is woodland garden. I have been reading about good woodland plants and shade gardens. There is a great article in the new Martha about a shade garden and I am going to use it as inspiration for our own.

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