Monday, January 19, 2009

Marshmallow World

See the marshmallow?
With all the snow that is falling at my family's house in Pennsylvania, I thought it was only appropriate to write about the marshmallows I made. Like many a blog friend, I too have made these tasty treats. My brothers ask for them when we visit at holiday time. Only this time I had to mail them for Joey's birthday.

I used Martha's recipe and it works like a charm. I do wonder if you can substitute agave nectar for the light corn syrup - has anyone tried? I think next time I might try using a vanilla bean, too. I want my 'mallows to be speckly like the vanilla bean ice cream that is so yummy.

My marshmallow a-floatin' in my cocoa one morning.
I made a cocoa to take to work the other morning, and I think it got cold on my walk into the building - it was that cold outside! Here is a link to a very cute marshmallow video from Design Sponge. If this does not get you in the mood for marshmallow making, I don't know what will!

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