Sunday, April 12, 2009

Since Easters

Oreo Easter

Missy decorated an egg and made it look like our very own Easter Bunny, OREO! She even matched the pink bedding that Oreo uses in her cage. The last couple of Easters we made a pilgrimage out to HOMER, GA to witness the state's (maybe the country's?) largest EASTER EGG HUNT (see HERE) and we watched Easter Eggs drop from a HELICOPTER (see HERE), but this weekend we decided to stay home and work hard on getting our backyard into tip top shape. Not so exciting, we know, but come summer we're going to be happy that our backyard won't look like a jungle and hopefully, we'll be growing some of our own food. So yeah, that's our Easter!


Anonymous said...

Such a wonderfully adorable photo :)


Awww, thanks! We're lucky that our bunny is so photogenic and not camera shy, haha!