Friday, August 15, 2008


MISSY 9225

Whoa! So, the ATHENS POPFEST is in full swing and we've been super busy hanging out with our out-of-town friends...might have to wait until the end of it all before posting some images from the event. A timely article came out in the local ATHENS BANNER-HERALD about "twee fashion" - Missy was one of the people they interviewed for the piece, and in it she is mentioned as being the "Athens poster child for twee fashion"...! Check out the article HERE to see what all the hubbub is all about.

Our friend Dana is moving and so she gave us a huge bag full of unwanted half-used crafting supplies - mostly, bundles of yarns of all sorts. In the mix was this neat-o hat that she knitted and apparently, did not want anymore...score!

MISSY 9227


Ernessa T. Carter said...

This hat is so frickin' cute, I could just DIE a twee death from looking at it. Nice score!


I KNOW, huh! Lucky us. Missy made a similar knitted cap with little points that look like cat ears...that one is super twee. Can't wait for winter...